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Services Offered by ReliaHomes Canada.

Wasp-Free Canada is a registered trade name of ReliaHomes Canada Inc.

List of services:
Pest-proofing (see below)
✓ Home inspection
Home buyer's inspection.
Exterior pest inspection.​

✓ Pest control:
✓ Ants.
✓ Bedbugs.
✓ Coyotes.
✓ Crawling insects.
✓ Mice and rats.
✓ Wasp & hornet nests.
✓ Wildlife removal.​


Save money. Pest-proof your home.

Pest-proofing your home can address the root causes of pest issues and protect you from expensive renovations.

Our pest-proofing services include:​
✓ Caulking.

✓ Door sweeps.
✓ Insect screens.
✓ Rodent screens.
✓ Weep hole screens.

Common locations:

✓ Cracks.

✓ Doors.

✓ Pipes.

✓ Soffit.

✓ Vents.

✓ Weep holes.

✓ Windows.


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What happens if your property is not pest-proof?

  • Please note that we are not a construction company. We do not install, replace or remove any components or accessories that are covered by Skilled Trades Ontario. We only install removable insect/rodent covers on the exterior of buildings. For other services, please find a company that deals with the respective trade(s). We do not engage in any of the following: electrical work, flooring, HVAC, masonry, roofing, plumbing, carpentry, or any compulsory skilled trades.

  • Pests will enter and cause a variety of issues:

    • Furnace pipes and dryer vents: pests can block air access, damage the system and enter your walls by chewing through plastic pipes.​

    • Gaps in walls and roofs: rodents can enter your walls. Wasps and bees can also form nests in the walls, which will attract more pests.

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