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Frequently Asked Questions.

Our services:
Q: Are there any hidden fees?
A: No. The $119 price includes all fee(s) involved in a nest removal.

Q: Can you guarantee that the nest will not return?
A: Yes, we will remove the nest, queen, larvae and eggs. Without the queen, it is biologically impossible for a colony to survive. It is however possible that another colony can form a nest on your property in the future

Q: What payment methods are accepted?

A: Cash, e-transfer and cheque are accepted and have no impact on price.

Q: Why do some housing builders not install pest screens?
A: Pest-proofing is not covered by any of the trades under Skilled Trades Ontario and is often forgotten about by some Ontario-based housing developers.
Q: What do wasps eat?
A: The diet of a wasp consists primarily of small insects, especially aphids.

Q: How can I tell the difference between bees and wasps?

A: The easiest way to tell them apart is that bees typically have lots of body hair, while wasps do not. If honey is present, the nest belongs to bees.





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